Commentaires de vos lecteurs sur:

„B E L I E V E“ de Marlene Remen

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Poèmes sur nos auteurs de la catégorie „Guerre et Paix“

Pictur Author
Thats nice, thats right thats our hope, but most of them cant beliebve in a wonderfull future; perhaps in eternity!

Réponse par Marlene Remen (14.01.2020):
Dear Lutz, I will thank you so mutch for your lovely Words- Greetings from Marlene

I Bebe (

Pictur Author
Dear Marlene,

without hope people never come together in peace and trust.
You wrote a very powerful poem to open eyes.

Greetings from Irene

Réponse par Marlene Remen (23.04.2015):
Dear Irene, I say thank you for your lovely words. All the best for you and lovely greetings from Marlene

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