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„Seasons in pain“ de Jan Wendler

Lire Seasons in pain - ou continuer à afficher des contributions et des informations sur l’auteur Jan Wendler.

Poèmes sur nos auteurs de la catégorie „Chagrin d´amour“

readysteadypaddy (

Pictur Author
Dear Jan, thanks god, it's summer now, and a hot one by the way! Drop your lovegrief and go swimming! Meint der Patrick! Liebe Grüße!

Réponse par Jan Wendler (03.07.2015):
Yeah, that's the poem ;-) It's summer now but my head is still somewhere in midwinter ;-) That'S the nice thing with writing; when I put the feelings into words it is easier for me to accept reality - wheather I like it or not ;-) Swimming is a great idea :D

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