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„Your Birthday“ de Irene Beddies

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Poèmes sur nos auteurs de la catégorie „Anniversaire“

readysteadypaddy (

Pictur Author
Thanks, Irene, my birthday has been nice. I've written a very funny poem today, but I have it zurückgestellt wegen the loving Gedicht für meine mother. I hope, du understandest das. Spätestens morgen gibt's wieder was zu lachen von mir. Grüße, dein Patrick

Réponse par Irene Beddies (27.04.2016):
This poem is from the ninetees, but I thought it must fit a little to your day. My personal wishes are in the postbox. I hope they were there punctually. I'm glad you had a nice birthday (with a party as you planned?). Regards and friedship-love from Irene

Pictur Author
all your words seem to be wounds,
bound together like a bouquet ... Inge

Réponse par Irene Beddies (27.04.2016):
Yes. Once upon a time...the bouquet now is finished with this last poem. Irene

Pictur Author
Dear Irene,

I immediately remember during reading the song "Love hurts" by Nazareth ...

Dear regards Faro

Réponse par Irene Beddies (27.04.2016):
Love hurts...sometimes. Other times love is a bliss. Kindest regards, Irene

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