Commentaires de vos lecteurs sur:

„you will only see greatness with your heart“ de Steven Bell

Lire you will only see greatness with your heart - ou continuer à afficher des contributions et des informations sur l’auteur Steven Bell.

Poèmes sur nos auteurs de la catégorie „Émotions“

readysteadypaddy (

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Dear Steven!

You are seen. And loved, I guess. For the Love of Jesus you don't have to do anything, not be perfect, not quit all of your sins. It's just loving your neighbour as yourself. And your neighbour is the one who stands personally before you, before your door, or the one, you meet on the street. You can only help with the things you have got in your hand (only do what is in your power) , as Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam) says. but when you're able to, you should. "This is the law and the prophets" as Jesus said.

Patrick Rabe

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