Manlio Fabio Jurado Hernández


DREAM IS TO LIVE To dream is also to live How many times has it been said ..! What to dream ... is a lie That we must put our feet on the ground That when the Self wakes up .. Come back to reality! It is a mistake .... what people think They haven't realized that ... That dreaming is part of life Unfortunately dream and life by day And when they die they melt into one To live an eternal nightmare! --------------------------   ----------------------   ------------- All the rigths belong its author Manlio Fabio Jurado Hernández(Fabio Papari). Has been published in Poematrix,com and, dated 05/08/2020.

Toutes les droites appartiennent à son auteur Il a été publié sur par la demande de Manlio Fabio Jurado Hernández.
Publié sur sur 05.08.2020.


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Cet article t'a plu ? Alors regarde aussi les suivants :

QUE MÁS DA - Manlio Fabio Jurado Hernández (Philosophique)
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A special moment - Helga Edelsfeld (Philosophique)