Andre M. Pietroschek

Financial Apartheid Laws - Freestyle Poetic Musing

Financial Apartheid Laws
© Andre M. Pietroschek, all rights reserved
Financial Apartheid Laws: Unspoken.
The freedom to choose with who we get along impaired & restricted.
To blame is our wishful thinking, but never the profiteers of said laws. 
Financial Apartheid Laws: Unexplained.
Turning individual reasoning against the entire populace. Confuse & dominate.
To blame is our lack of money, as therapists & coaches insist money solves all.
Financial Apartheid Laws: Unwanted.
The legitimacy stemming from the threat of no money without foul play.
To blame are those, who still want to fund their life, not the pay-cutters.
Financial Apartheid Laws: Unbearable.
From start to finish making it impossible to live inborn rights at all. Ever.
An overpaid elite still pretending `us masses´ would in truth want it so.
Financial Apartheid Laws: Unmasked.
The repressive regime motivated by keeping the elite overpaid for sure.
Another dilemma easily unleashed, but hard to remedy and undo. True.


Surviving is no pleasure-walk at all. Enduring is less than living. And, living is still less than enjoying to live.
A cost-free explainer video (about this specific poem) is now available:

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Toutes les droites appartiennent à son auteur Il a été publié sur par la demande de Andre M. Pietroschek.
Publié sur sur 12.03.2023.


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Plus dans cette catégorie "Quotitien" (Poèmes en anglais)

Other works from Andre M. Pietroschek

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Four society-critical Myku-Haiku (with notes) - Andre M. Pietroschek (Politique & Société)
A new day - Adalbert Nagele (Quotitien)
Late realization - Rainer Tiemann (L'amitié)