Irene Beddies

The Talaiots

The Talaiots*
Long ago,
long ere time was measured,
even then pirates landed 
to plague the peaceful isles
under the Mediterranean sun.
What did those seek,
 what fate did drive them
across the seas
 towards fertile soil,
 those who lusted
after the inhabitants’ small wealth?
Long before men were able to write
the natives proved to be prepared
to protect their gardens,
their herds and their lives.
Gigantic walls they built
- with what small tools -
towers and outlooks, creating
a skilful system of watch and guard.
Nothing could move undetected
on the glittering waves,
no one could catch them by surprise
creeping along the shore.
Invaders had to fight megalithic castles
erected by strong public spirit.
Long before events were reported
 these clever people had vanished
 leaving their ruins
as quarries for those who followed
in endless flux
to be wondered and pondered about
by the intruders of today  
-       who care to look and understand - 
when they leave  beach and bikini behind
for a moment of thought.
                      © I. Beddies
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  • Talaiots are megalithic buildings for watch and defence on Mallorca and Menorca (ca 1300 till 200 BC)  


Toutes les droites appartiennent à son auteur Il a été publié sur par la demande de Irene Beddies.
Publié sur sur 28.07.2012.



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Livre de Irene Beddies:


In Krollebolles Reich: Märchen von Irene Beddies

Irene Beddies hat in diesem Band ihre Märchen für Jugendliche und Erwachsene zusammengestellt.
Vom Drachen Alka lesen wir, von Feen, Prinzen und Prinzessinnen, von kleinen Wesen, aber auch von Dummlingen und ganz gewöhnlichen Menschen, denen ein wunderlicher Umstand zustößt.
In fernen Ländern begegnen dem Leser Paschas und Maharadschas. Ein Rabe wird sogar zum Rockstar.
Auch der Weihnachtsmann darf in dieser Gesellschaft nicht fehlen.

Mit einer Portion Ironie, aber auch mit Mitgefühl für die Unglücklichen, Verzauberten wird erzählt.

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