Irene Beddies

Her Concerns


Her Concerns
Climbing the steep hill towards her little town
she stopped and put the jug of water down
to look across the silent sea.
Where would by now her husband be?
He left the house at night
… for trade…for war…
in stealth before the day rose bright.
Now he’d sail already far.
Always the women had in town to stay
whereas the men took liberty to go astray
by running errands when their life seemed dull,
returning with some goods, their memories full
of real or imagined glorious deeds-
while women cared for all their needs.
It wasn’t fair – she thought there in the sun -
that  only women had the house to run,
to till the soil when it was ploughed,
to raise the kids…, that they were not allowed
to share adventures, war and trade.
Maiden as well were courageous and unafraid!
On that wild folk of Amazones she turned her envy
who for themselves bore full responsibility.
They took the chance  to act upon their will
without permission of a man. – How ill
were treated women here beneath the citadel
while men enjoyed their freedom well.
What …if she ceased to do her daily duty
to disappear across the blue sea’s beauty?
© I. Beddies   


Toutes les droites appartiennent à son auteur Il a été publié sur par la demande de Irene Beddies.
Publié sur sur 03.02.2013.



Bild von Irene Beddies


Livre de Irene Beddies:


In Krollebolles Reich: Märchen von Irene Beddies

Irene Beddies hat in diesem Band ihre Märchen für Jugendliche und Erwachsene zusammengestellt.
Vom Drachen Alka lesen wir, von Feen, Prinzen und Prinzessinnen, von kleinen Wesen, aber auch von Dummlingen und ganz gewöhnlichen Menschen, denen ein wunderlicher Umstand zustößt.
In fernen Ländern begegnen dem Leser Paschas und Maharadschas. Ein Rabe wird sogar zum Rockstar.
Auch der Weihnachtsmann darf in dieser Gesellschaft nicht fehlen.

Mit einer Portion Ironie, aber auch mit Mitgefühl für die Unglücklichen, Verzauberten wird erzählt.

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Plus dans cette catégorie "La Vie" (Poèmes en anglais)

Other works from Irene Beddies

Cet article t'a plu ? Alors regarde aussi les suivants :

Silent Calls - Irene Beddies (Psychologique)
Candle of Time - Inge Offermann (La Vie)
Love - Christina Dittwald (Émotions)