Nina Bade


London is a very pretty city,
if you have never been there it is a pity;
the traffic is not a nightmare
because one can breathe much fresh air;

Interesting sights are 'Big Ben'
and the 'Houses of Parliament';
besides you should visit the 'Tower Bridge'
or the district of Kensington where the richs live;

Another nice target
is the area of 'Covent Garden';
where you can enjoy a coffee
and maybe some delicious toffees;

In the end I recommend the 'Buckingham Palace'
of which many tourists are attracted;
London is my favourite town
all year round!

© Nina Bade

Toutes les droites appartiennent à son auteur Il a été publié sur par la demande de Nina Bade.
Publié sur sur 31.12.2023.



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