Rolph David

A Quiet Defiance!

The morning calls, but I remain,

In warmth and quiet, free from strain.

Birdsong drifts through restful air,

Yet rising seems a burdened dare.


Voices press with worldly cries,

“Get up, get out, pursue the prize.”

“Seize the day,” they sternly chide,

But here in peace, I will abide.


Outside, the dangers, tempers flare,

In bed, I find a gentler care.

Though chaos spreads on every side,

Here in this peace, I will reside.


Let the world demand its way,

In tranquil stillness, I will stay.

My gift to all, a silent choice,

To lie in peace, a muted voice.

Toutes les droites appartiennent à son auteur Il a été publié sur par la demande de Rolph David.
Publié sur sur 05.07.2024.


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