Rolph David

The Last Leaf

A lifetime’s toil, we seek and strive,
In languages learned, in wealth we thrive,
Knowledge amassed, a transient guise,
To crumble with us, as we close our eyes.

We pass our essence, strand by strand,
In hope of futures we cannot command.
Yet what of purpose, when all must fade,
Or humanity meets its final shade?

Is life but a question, endless, vast,
A flicker in darkness, a moment passed?
Perhaps in the search, not the known,
Lies the mystery, life’s true tone.

Toutes les droites appartiennent à son auteur Il a été publié sur par la demande de Rolph David.
Publié sur sur 07.07.2024.


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Other works from Rolph David

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Love song - Mani Junio (Saint-Valentin)