Antonio Justel Rodriguez


... with a straw hat and roses came death;
She advanced elegantly and haughty, with that satisfaction that power and strength evoke,
and I, motionless, stayed looking at her;

...when she reached me, stopping, she asked:
why are you facing me?
...and I answered: “because I am stronger than you”;

… And she, avoiding my body, livid and full of anger, she started walking, she raised her chin,
and with tense fury – destroying it – he threw her hat to the ground.
Panthoseas Orion

Toutes les droites appartiennent à son auteur Il a été publié sur par la demande de Antonio Justel Rodriguez.
Publié sur sur 10.07.2024.


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Other works from Antonio Justel Rodriguez

Cet article t'a plu ? Alors regarde aussi les suivants :

DESDE LA VENTANA - Antonio Justel Rodriguez (Paroles)
Emergenza primaverile - Antonio Justel Rodriguez (Général)
My Mirror - Paul Rudolf Uhl (Humour)