Mike Arnold

My Existence has to end

Stand still and wait
Before you form a sound
It might be all so late
To mark the end of the ground

My existence has to end
As my dreams ended so long ago
Nothing is left to circumvent
But my soul wanders back and fro

Ever searching, ever yearning
To see a happy face in the storm
Whose owner is capable of learning
What I have to bestow upon the still born

Tit for Tat says he
Can you not see
You are nothing to me
Empty like the endless sea
Nill and void says she
What you look for cannot be

Stand still and wait
Before you form a silent vow
It might be all so late
To mark the end of the now

A now devoid of clemency
Only provides dependency
and no hope for me


Toutes les droites appartiennent à son auteur Il a été publié sur e-Stories.org par la demande de Mike Arnold.
Publié sur e-Stories.org sur 30.12.2011.


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Other works from Mike Arnold

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