Jürgen Wagner

Once in your life - for Eric Clapton

Once in your life
You get such a choice
To win a good wife
To make a good noise

Tears on the earth
Clouds in the sky
Death and rebirth
Never ask why


Eric C. looking back as he was 13 years old:  I just managed to convince my grandmother that it was a worth while that was something to do, you know, and when I did finally get the guitar, it didn't seem that difficult to me, to be able to make a good noise out of it.
In 1991 Clapton's son Conor died at the age of four and a half, when he fell out of an open bedroom window on the 53rd floor of a Manhattan apartment building. Afterwards he composed  ‘Tears in heaven’, one of his most popular songs.


Toutes les droites appartiennent à son auteur Il a été publié sur e-Stories.org par la demande de Jürgen Wagner.
Publié sur e-Stories.org sur 25.10.2013.



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Livre de Jürgen Wagner:


Initiation und Liebe in Zaubermärchen: Eine Brücke zu dem alten Wissen von Jürgen Wagner

9 europäische Initiationsmärchen über die Einweihung in wesentliche Aspekte des Lebens, vorgestellt und ausgelegt

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Plus dans cette catégorie "Souvenirs" (Poèmes en anglais)

Other works from Jürgen Wagner

Cet article t'a plu ? Alors regarde aussi les suivants :

Friendship with trees - Jürgen Wagner (La Vie)
Boules d´argent - Rainer Tiemann (Souvenirs)
Late realization - Rainer Tiemann (L'amitié)